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Credit Report Description

Experian Credit Reports --
A detailed Credit profile of the applicant pulled from Experian.  The report includes confirmation of the names, current and previous addresses, Social Security number, date of birth, some current and previous employers, judgments and legal filings, along with detailed payment history on accounts.

Experian Social Security Search --
Provides a social security number verification. The report contains all names and up to ten previous addresses associated with the social security number in question, as well as, the date the information was reported. You will learn if the number issued, is valid, or belongs to an individual recorded as deceased.

Combo Report --
Three seamless reports pulled in one.  The Social Security Report (listing up to 10 previous addresses is pulled first. The addresses are then filtered through our eviction databases.  A national Experian Credit report is then pulled providing an objective history of an applicant's credit with the Eviction report listed at the end

Eviction Report Description

Eviction Reports --
The names and addresses from the social security search are then pulled through the PA Magistrate database for matches. The report includes the name and city of the plaintiff and the defendant, the District Magistrates’ ID numbers, the amount of judgment, the date of the hearing and the final disposition of the judgment.